Cruising Yacht Maritimo 48PhuketCruising Yacht Maritimo 48 Cruising Yacht Maritimo 48 "Splendor" is our custom-built luxury cruising yacht, and was designed with Phuket in mind, with a great mix of indoor and outdoor areas… THB ฿136,800 |
Cruising Yacht Ferretti 680PhuketCruising Yacht Ferretti 680 Double Issue is arguably the finest cruising yacht in Phuket, with a long history associated with the island. A huge spacious saloon, featuring fine leather bound sofas with… THB ฿240,300 |
Raya + Coral + Maithon Islands 2 Days Tour from PhuketPhuketRaya + Coral + Maithon Islands 2 Days Tour from Phuket What To Expect: A new unique two-days trip in which you will visit 3 beautiful islands of Racha (Raya), Coral and Maiton! Spend 2 days in… THB ฿2,659 |
Phuket Private TransferPhuketPhuket Private Transfer What To Expect: During your stay in Phuket or nearby areas, which has a lot of attractions that are worth visiting, so you can travel in an ambiance which is full of convenience… THB ฿1,219 |
Phi Phi Bamboo & Rang Yai Islands 1 day tour from PhuketPhuketPhi Phi Bamboo & Rang Yai Islands 1 day tour from Phuket What To Expect: This speedboat tour to the Phi Phi Islands also visits Bamboo and Rang Yai Islands. You can either enjoy some relaxation… THB ฿2,200 |
Fishing Boat SinrayaPhuketFishing Boat Sinraya What To Expect: Sinraya is a reliable, fully equipped trolling fishing boat. It has a spacious cabin and a relaxation area with a sofa and tables on the upper deck. In the… THB ฿18,831 |
Speed Boat Ocean LovePhuketSpeed Boat Ocean Love What To Expect: Private excursions to the nearby islands of Phuket are a great opportunity to fully plunge into the world of untouched nature and recharge with a vivid memory… THB ฿25,477 |
Fishing Boat B7PhuketFishing Boat B7 What To Expect: Sea fishing in Phuket - the opportunity to spend the whole day at sea on a fishing boat, catch the fish of your dreams and swim in the crystal clear water near the… THB ฿12,185 |
Fishing Boat B16PhuketFishing Boat B16 What To Expect: Sea fishing in Phuket - the opportunity to spend the whole day at sea on a fishing boat, catch the fish of your dreams and swim in the crystal clear water near… THB ฿16,615 |
Fishing Boat B10PhuketFishing Boat B10 What To Expect: Sea fishing in Phuket - the opportunity to spend the whole day at sea on a fishing boat, catch the fish of your dreams and swim in the crystal clear water near… THB ฿12,185 |
Fishing Boat B9PhuketFishing Boat B9 What To Expect: If you like fishing, you could love this one! The tour will take you trolling to Raya Yai (Racha Yai) Island about 18 kilometers south of Phuket. The warm waters… THB ฿14,400 |
Fishing Boat B17PhuketFishing Boat B17 What To Expect: If you like fishing, you could love this one! The tour will take you trolling to Raya Yai (Racha Yai) Island about 18 kilometers south of Phuket. The warm waters… THB ฿22,154 |
Každé roční období a bez ohledu na to, co počasí dělá, jste zklamáni pro volbu toho, co máte dělat v Phuketu. S množstvím pláží, parků a lesů prozkoumat, bohatou historií a kulturou k objevování a fantastické možnosti stravování a nočního života, jediné, co vám chybí, je čas vidět vše, co ostrov nabízí.
Rozsah aktivit v Phuketu se stále rozšiřuje v sofistikovanosti a rozmanitosti a nabízí návštěvníkům všech rozpočtů, chutí, věků a schopností něco, co byste si mohli vychutnat. Nezáleží na tom, jestli hledáte něco, co by vám dýchalo nebo vás nechalo z dechu, je tu něco pro každého, ať už se jedná o přírodní krásu, historický zázrak nebo moderní adrenalin.
Phuket výlety, exkurze a aktivity v Phuketu, Thajsko s balíčkovými nabídkami na Ostrov Phi Phi, Ostrov James Bond, Krabi, Ostrovy Similan, Ostrov Raya, Korálový ostrov, Dobrodružné výlety, Sloní trekking, Transfery z letiště nejlepší garantovaná sazba.