DTV - Thai Cooking class tour

Dina : 0 | Bengi : 0

Enjoy a hands on Thai cooking class under the guidance of the talented chefs, as well as a carefree…
Waca Liyane
Maca Kurang

Enjoy a hands on Thai cooking class under the guidance of the talented chefs, as well as a carefree life in Thailand and travel with DTV VISA. Create popular Thai dishes such as papaya salad, Tom Yam, Tom Kha, Pad Thai, crispy spring rolls. You will also learn the recipes aind secrets of cooking a variety of curry dishes, delicious desserts such as mango with glutinous rice, deep-fried bananas, and many other lesser-known but no less delicious.


The freshest ingredients for cooking.
Light snacks and fruits during classes, water.
Master classes in a well-equipped clean kitchen in English within 1 year.Master classes in a well-equipped clean kitchen in English within 1 year.
Cooking secrets and recipes of various Thai dishes, including vegan, vegetarian and halal.
Tea ceremonies.
VISA SUPPORT: Provision of a package of documents from the Ministry of Education of Thailand for DTV VISA SOFT POWER with the possibility of attachment by a family member.
Maca Kurang



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DTV - Thai Cooking class tour
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Sapa Ora Rega
Wong diwasa ฿10,000 ฿10,000

Total THB ฿ 10,000
Deposit Saiki THB฿0

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