THB ฿997
Dni : 1 | Noce : 0
Krabi: Całodzienne morskie spływy kajakowe w Baan Bor Thor
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Sprawdź limit czasu to 8:30
Czas powrotu - około 16:30
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adey1981 30/05/2019 9 / 10
Bor Thor kayaking was a fantastic excursion, I was worried it would be overcrowded - it wasn’t! We were in a group of 4. But it seemed like the guides were talking to each other to stagger people going thru the caves to ensure we got photos with no other tourists in them! Really appreciated. Our guide let us into the cave one by one to ensure it was quiet. The kayaking isn’t difficult but your arms start feeling it towards the end. Our guide was so funny and relaxed with great English! You are in full sun most of the time so cover up. I wore a rashie and water booties as you do step in water getting on and off kayak at cave. We paddled thru a cave, walked through another and paddled into a lagoon. You see lots of mangroves and the guide pointed out mud crabs and mudskippers. Great day excursion! Highly recommend as it’s different to island hopping!