
Všetky uvedené ceny sú založené na reálnom čase

4 Islands Racha Noi, Racha Yai, Coral & Maiton from Phuket


4 Islands Racha Noi, Racha Yai, Coral & Maiton from Phuket  What To Expect​: A day tour to Racha Noi, Racha Yai, Coral & Maithon Islands from Phuket. You can explore the most beautiful of…

THB ฿1,994

Krabi Safari Day Tour from Phuket


Krabi Safari Day Tour  What To Expect​: Situated along the Andaman coast of southern Thailand, Krabi is one of southern Thailand's most picturesque provinces with perfect beaches and stunning…

THB ฿2,437

Phuket Property Tour


Phuket Property Tour  What To Expect​: The Phuket investment property tour is perfect for those who consider a property investment in Phuket. You will visit construction sites and show-rooms, know…

Phi Phi + Green + Khai Nok Islands Day Tour from Phuket


Phi Phi + Green + Khai Nok Islands Day Tour from Phuket  What To Expect​: A visit to Phuket would not be complete without a visit to the beautiful Phi Phi Island, regarded as one of the most beautiful…

THB ฿1,900

Phi Phi Bamboo & Krabi Islands Day Tour from Phuket


Phi Phi Bamboo & Krabi Islands Day Tour from Phuket  What To Expect​: A visit to Thailand wouldn’t be complete without exploring its gorgeous islands - Phi Phi, Bamboo and Krabi Islands…

5 Stars Of Krabi Day Trip by Speedboat from Phuket


5 Stars Of Krabi Day Trip by Speedboat from Phuket  What To Expect​: Great tour to  islands around Phuket, perfect for those who do not want to make many kilometers of sea, but seeing something…


Motor Yacht Sport Cruiser Rivera M400


Avalon Boat in Phuket Motor Yacht Sport Cruiser Rivera M400 Promo offer Avalon Boat for rent in Phuket Riviera M400 Sport Cruiser Size 40 feet - 12.19 meters Comfortable accommodation for up to 10 people…

THB ฿10,000

Phi Phi & Pearl Islands Day Tour from Phuket


Phi Phi & Pearl Islands Day Tour from Phuket  What To Expect​: This tour is the easiest and most accessible way to visit the islands of Phi Phi. You will see the famous bay of Maya Bay, where…

THB ฿2,200

Phuket Helicopter Tour


Phuket Helicopter Tour  What To Expect​: Capture the beauty of Phuket and beautiful islands in Thailand in a completely new and unknown spirit that is breathtakingly picturesque on wondrous Helicopter…

THB ฿5,428

Carnival Magic Park in Phuket


Carnival Magic Park in Phuket  What To Expect​: Carnival Magic is the crowning jewel in nighttime entertainment on the resort island of Phuket. Spanning over 40 acres and awash with dazzling colors…

THB ฿2,400

12 Islands Expedition from Phuket


12 Islands Expedition from Phuket  What To Expect​: An excellent program for family and youth recreation. James Bond Island and canoeing, Phi Phi, Krabi archipelago, the snow-white island of Bambu,…

THB ฿5,100

Phuket Sea Farm, Fishing


SEA FISHING We invite you to visit the marine farm in Phuket. Only we have a guaranteed catch and an unforgettable experience. Sharks Groups Cobii Quarantine Sea bass Snoopers     FISHING IN…

THB ฿1,900
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Phuket: výlety, aktivity, atrakcie

V každom ročnom období a bez ohľadu na to, čo robí počasie, ste naozaj rozmaznaní na to, čo máte robiť v Phuketu. S množstvom pláží, parkov a lesov, ktoré môžete preskúmať, bohatú históriu a kultúru a fantastické možnosti stravovania a nočného života, jediné, čo vám chýba, je čas vidieť všetko, čo ostrov ponúka.

Rozsah aktivít v Phuketu naďalej rastie v sofistikovanosti a rôznorodosti, pričom návštevníkom všetkých rozpočtov, chutí, vekov a schopností sa môže pochváliť niečo. Nezáleží na tom, či hľadáte niečo, čo by vám dalo dych preč, alebo vás nechá z dychu, je tu niečo pre každého, či už je to prírodná krása, historický zázrak alebo moderný adrenalín.

Phuket turné, sprievodcovia, exkurzie a aktivity v Phuket, Thajsko s balíčkov zaoberá ostrovom Phi Phi, ostrovom James Bond, Krabi, Similan ostrovy, ostrov Raya, Coral Island, dobrodružné výlety, slon trekking, letiskové transfery, súkromné ​​Phuket City Tours najlepšia garantovaná sadzba.