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The Mystery of Siam from Pattaya


The Mystery of Siam from Pattaya The mystery of Siam is a unique opportunity to learn sacred Thailand, to immerse yourself in the fantastic world of an endless array of legends, mysteries and myths, rituals…

THB ฿1,994

Paints of Ancient Siam in Pattaya


Paints of Ancient Siam in Pattaya Tour of the Ancient Siam Paints is a journey through the brightest and most interesting places in the northeast of Thailand. In the province of Chachengsao there is a…

THB ฿2,326

The Temple of Truth in Pattaya


The Temple of Truth in Pattaya The Temple of Truth is a unique temple and park composition. It consists of a beautiful park and a temple made of wood without the help of nails. Statues and engravings…

THB ฿775
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Wat Yang Temple Complex in Pattaya


Wat Yang Temple Complex in Pattaya The Wat Yang Temple complex is one of the largest in Thailand. It is located next to Pattaya on the lake shore in a picturesque mountainous area. On the territory of…

THB ฿720

Bangkok Express from Pattaya


Bangkok Express from Pattaya One day in the life of Bangkok. Itinerary: - THE TEMPLE OF THE RESTING BUDDHA (Wat Pho) - THE TEMPLE OF MORNING DARK (Wat Arun) - A WALK ON THE RIVER CHAO RIGHT ON THE RIVER…

THB ฿2,326

Koh Talu Island from Pattaya


Koh Talu Island from Pattaya  What To Expect​: The pink island of Koh Talu is a beautiful and unusual island in the Gulf of Thailand. Its name Ko Talu received thanks to a very fine white sand, which…

THB ฿2,700

Odyssey tour from Pattaya


Odyssey tour from Pattaya A new hit of sea excursions in Pattaya is the Odyssey tour. A great opportunity to spend a whole day on the uninhabited island of Manvichai, where everything is available for…

THB ฿1,955

Ko Si Chang Island 1 day tour from Pattaya


Ko Si Chang Island 1 day tour from Pattaya  What To Expect​: Excursion to the Ko Si Chang Island  is not only a holiday and swimming in the sea, but also an opportunity to learn something new,…

THB ฿1,440

Ko Si Chang Island 2 days tour from Pattaya


Ko Si Chang Island 1 day tour from Pattaya  What To Expect​: It is an amazing island, amazing with its beauty and extraordinary atmosphere. Silence and tranquility reign on the island. And local…

THB ฿2,437

Ko Samed Island 2 days tour from Pattaya


Ko Samed Island 2 days tour from Pattaya Amazing sea water, clean sand, wonderful nature - all this awaits you on the island of Samed, where you will get after 1.5 hours drive from Pattaya and a 30-40…

THB ฿2,548

Koh Samae San (Princess Island) 1 day tour from Pattaya


Koh Samae San (Princess Island) 1 day tour from Pattaya The Princess Island is part of the national park of Samae San, it can be visited since 2011. Thanks to this, the flora and fauna, coral reefs are…

THB ฿1,761

Ko Kood Island 2 days tour from Pattaya


Ko Kood Island 2 days tour from Pattaya Koh Kood or Coconut Island is one of the most beautiful in Thailand. The island received its second name because of the groves of coconut trees growing here in…

THB ฿4,542
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Ogledi in aktivnosti v Pattaya

Pattaya je sodobno mesto z odlično infrastrukturo, odličnimi prometnimi povezavami in zabavo za vsak okus. Tukaj lahko najdete res miren počitek v oddaljenem hotelu ali glavi, da se potopite v svetlo nočno življenje na priznani Volkin Street, obiščite budistične templje ali se izgubite v obalnih barih, pojdite v izvrstno restavracijo ali odkrijte pravi okus tajske kuhinjo na enem od nočnih trgov.

Pattaya ponuja enako raznovrstnost na izletih. Desertirane plaže in čisto morje, ki jih boste našli na sosednjih otokih Koh Samet, Koh Kroc ali Ko Lan, da bi bili v središču tropske džungle in videli ta svet od znotraj, bo omogočil izlet do reke Kwai! Ljubitelji živih predstav bodo navdušeni nad izvirno predstavo Alcazar. Pravi način za rekreacijo z otroki so park Nong Nuch, vodni park Ramayana, živalski vrt Khao Kheo ali Mini Siam Park.

Raziščite Pattaya z lokalnim vodnikom z znanjem. Raziščite Highlights of Pattaya! Ogledi, zanimivosti in dejavnosti, stvari, ki jih je treba opraviti, oglede izletov, enodnevne izlete in še več. Odkrijte najboljše dejavnosti v Pattaju, vključno s Tiffany's Cabaret Show v Pattaya, Koh Larn Trip iz Pattaya, vključno s Seafood kosilom, Alcazar Cabaret Show. Najboljše prodajne ture in aktivnosti. Tiffany's Cabaret Show v Pattaya. Polni dan na Koh Sametu iz Pattaya. Poletni dan Koh Larn Island Tour z ladjo iz Pattaya. Oglejte si več najboljših prodajnih izletov in aktivnosti. Aktivnosti na prostem. Rezervirajte vstopnice na spletu za najboljše stvari v Pattaya.