

Elephant Trekking & Waterfall in Khao Lak


Elephant Trekking & Waterfall in Khao Lak  What To Expect​: Assuming you don’t have a day to explorer the local area, we offer the Local Discovery also as a half day tour, although it will…

THB ฿1,440

Elephant Trekking & Bath in Khao Lak


Elephant Trekking & Bath in Khao Lak  What To Expect​: Assuming you don’t have a day to explorer the local area, we offer the Local Discovery also as a half day tour, although it will not…

THB ฿1,883

Little Amazon & Takuapa Old Town in Khao Lak


Little Amazon & Takuapa Old Town in Khao Lak  What To Expect​: Little Amazon & Takuapa Old Town is a well organised community tourism project employing local guides to paddle you around a…

THB ฿2,769

Phang Nga Temples Tour in Khao Lak


Phang Nga Temples Tour in Khao Lak  What To Expect​: Spend a day immersed in the fascinating culture and religion of Phang Nga. Enjoy a day of culture and worship, the sights, sounds and smells of…

THB ฿2,215

James Bond Island by Longtail Boat from Khao Lak


James Bond Island by Longtail Boat from Khao Lak  What To Expect​: James Bond Island, so named for its starring role in the movie “The Man with the golden gun” and Panyi Village are two…

Khao Sok Safari 2 days from Khao Lak


Khao Sok Safari 2 days from Khao Lak  What To Expect​: Khao Sok National Park has been eons in the making and its mist-cloaked forests contain plants and animals both rare and beautiful, such as…

THB ฿6,092

Khao Sok Safari day trip from Khao Lak


Khao Sok Safari day trip from Khao Lak  What To Expect​: Visit the stunning Khao Sok National Park Outstanding breath taking scenery, Mountains, Lakes and most of all incredible wildlife and natural…

THB ฿1,606





考拉, 景點, 一日遊, 旅遊指南

如果您正在尋找景點,Khao Lak地區充滿了自然奇觀:荒涼的海灘,青翠的國家公園,充滿異國情調的熱帶島嶼和清新的瀑布都位於許多住宿選擇的可控範圍內。 所有這些要做的事情都是探索這個美麗地區奇觀的獨特機會。

Khao Lak景點全年都可以滿足各類游客的需求。 在旺季(從11月到4月),水上運動和跳島是該地區的主要活動,從斯米蘭島或蘇林島的浮潛和水肺潛水到日光浴和打沙灘排球(或任何其他海灘運動)。 - Khao Lak的岸邊。 在淡季,安達曼海游得太粗糙,但是考拉克的腹地在叢林中提供了令人興奮的徒步旅行機會以及一流的瀑布。

在Khao Lak景點玩樂 - 以實惠的價格探索Khao Lak遊覽和短途旅行。 Khao Lak Tours由Easy Day Khao Lak,入住或私人一日遊,過夜或半日遊選擇。 體驗Khao Lak地區無與倫比的美麗和寧靜。